When a device cannot connect to the network, you can update its network settings with the Primex Device Configuration software. When a device cannot connect to the network, a device's OneVue status is Unresponsive and its LCD screen will display No Signal.
During this procedure, an encrypted file (.pwg extension) with your OneVue Account ID and the device's Migration Network (new/updated network) is downloaded from OneVue and uploaded to the device. You will need to be locally at the device to complete this procedure.
Primex Device Configuration software is installed on your computer. Download software (.zip file) - OneVue login required.
Primex device USB configuration cable (mini-USB supplied with each device order).
Your OneVue User Profile is assigned to an Admin Role.
For EAP-TLS authentication, the certificate .der file is required. The file is uploaded to the device during configuration.
If your security policies restrict network settings to be stored in your OneVue account, in which your OneVue account does not have network profiles, the network settings can be entered directly within the Primex Device Configuration software.
This step is required to upload the correct network settings to a device, which will allow its connection to your facility's network and check-in to OneVue. When a device connects to its assigned Migration Network, OneVue automatically sets the Migration Network to its Primary Network and clears its Migration Network.
First, create a new Network Profile with the correct network settings. If a network with the correct settings already exists, proceed to the following step (assign Migration Network).
Go to Devices > Networks > from the bottom, select + New.
Assign the device's Migration Network. When a device connects to its assigned Migration Network, OneVue automatically sets the Migration Network to its Primary Network and clears its Migration Network.
From OneVue, go to Devices > select the device type > from the list, select the device's 12-character Gateway ID link > from the Gateway Profile, select Show Advanced Options > set its Migration Network > select Save.
If you have multiple devices to update, you will need to set the Migration Network for each device.
From the Manual Configuration File option, select Download. The manual configuration file contains your OneVue account ID and the network profile(s) assigned to a device. This file can be used for all devices to update.
From the Download Manual Configuration File window, enter the Configuration File Password.
This password must match the password of the Primex Device Configuration software. If you have not changed the Primex Device Configuration software password (Primex1) on your local computer, leave as is.
If you require that a user cannot view the details of the network profile settings within the Primex Device Configuration software, select the Hide Configuration option. When Hide Configuration is selected, the network setting details are not displayed in the software.
Select OK.
From the system prompt, select Save.
By default, the file is saved to your computer's Downloads folder and is named device.pwg. To copy the file to another location, select Open Folder and copy the file to the desired location.
Verify the device does not have battery power applied; remove the device cover and temporarily set the battery on/off switch to the Off (down) position or remove the batteries.
Plug the Primex mini-USB configuration cable into a USB port on your computer.
Plug the configuration cable mini-USB connector into the device USB mini port.
The device automatically powers up, detects the connection to your computer and enters configuration mode. The LCD displays the letters Con and the Config icon is displayed indicating the device is in configuration mode.
Open the Primex Device Configuration software. Go to All Programs > Primex > Primex Device Configuration or from your computer desktop, double-click on the Primex Device Configuration icon.
From the Enter Password window, enter the password.
Factory default password (case sensitive): Primex1
Select Connect. A connection between your computer and the device is established.
Verify the notification area located in the lower-left of the screen, displays Connected to device on COMx, which indicates the connection is established.
Next, open the .pwg file downloaded from the device's gateway profile. From the top menu, select File, browse to the file location and select the device.pwg file.
Select Write Configuration > from the Confirmation Needed window, select Yes. The settings of the .pwg file have been uploaded to the device, including your OneVue account ID and the network profile(s).
Select Disconnect. The connection between the software and device is ended.
Remove the USB connection between the device and your computer.
Apply power to the device; set the battery on/off switch back to the UP (On) position or insert batteries if removed.
When power was applied, the device automatically initiated a check-in to OneVue.
Verify the device LCD displays Signal OK, which indicates the device successfully checked-in to OneVue.
If there were pending changes downloaded during its check-in, the device will reset and check-in again before the Signal OK icon is shown.
If No Signal is displayed, initiate a manual check-in to OneVue by pressing and quickly releasing the device check-in button
(up arrow).
The device emits a series of audio beeps indicating its connection sequence.
If you completed this procedure due to the settings of the network profile assigned during device preconfiguration were not correct and a migration network was assigned to the device's gateway profile, the migration network is downloaded to the device during its check-in. Upon a successful connection to the migration network, the OneVue automatically sets the primary network to the migration network.