Digital Clocks and Timers with a remote antenna are shipped from the factory with a BNC cable attached to the clock/timer assembly. The remote antenna components are required to be assembled and mounted.
(1) Antenna
(1) Mounting bracket
(1) Straight connector (for standard, vertical mount)
(1) Right-angle connector (for horizontal mount)
(2) Screws for mounting bracket
Optional component: 16.5 ft. (5 m) cable extension with BNC adapter

For vertical mount, connect the BNC cable adapter to the straight connector. For horizontal mount, remove the straight connector and connect the BNC cable adapter to right-angle connector. Push the adapter onto the connector and turn connector 1/4 turn to lock into place.
Antenna is required to be in a vertical position.
Connect the antenna to the other end of connector.
Use the two screws to securely mount bracket to wall surface.
The length of the BNC cable can be increased by adding cables and adapters up to a maximum recommended length of 45 ft. (13.7 meter). The cable can be placed in any position, but the antenna must be mounted vertically and away from metal objects. Unless it is very close to the Transmitter, the powered clock will not set to the correct time without the remote antenna connected.
If the remote antenna is to be mounted above the clock and if the antenna cable is to be concealed behind the wall, use a single gang electrical box to be mounted horizontally behind the clock. For a straight vertical cable run, a minimum of 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) electrical conduit should be used, coupled with the top side of the electrical box.
If a 16.5 ft. (5 meter) cable extension is used and the intent is to keep as much cable concealed as possible, connect the extension to the standard antenna cable prior to running the cable into the conduit.
For a concealed cable run, a 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) hole in the wall will need to be made close to where the remote antenna bracket will be mounted. The antenna cable BNC plug has a straight vertical mate with the remote antenna bracket.