The Check-in Interval setting manages how frequent a Transmitter connects to your facility's network to check-in to OneVue. By default set to every 5 minutes and can be set to 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
During each check-in, a Transmitter connects to its NTP time source to obtain UTC time, sends its current operating status and event data to OneVue, and downloads pending settings updates. When a Transmitter reports a status that is not within its normal operating condition, OneVue sets the Transmitter to a Warning state. When it remains in a Warning state for longer than the time period set in its Alarm Delay, it is then set to an Alarm state.
Go to Devices > Transmitters.
From the list, select the Gateway ID of the Transmitter. Its gateway profile is displayed.
Select Show Advanced Options.
From the Check-in Interval, select the number of minutes the Transmitter is to check-in to OneVue.
Select Save.
When a setting update is made to a device, its Update Pending status is set to Yes. During its next check-in, all pending setting updates are downloaded to the device. Once downloaded, its Update Pending status is set to No.