The OneVue Sync 72MHz solution provides synchronized time throughout your facility and allows you to easily monitor and manage OneVue Sync Transmitters directly from OneVue.
Unique to the OneVue Sync 72MHz system, only Transmitters are monitored and managed from OneVue. 72MHz Analog Clocks, Digital Clocks, and Digital Timers are not managed or monitored from OneVue and are standalone devices that receive time from the system Transmitters.
We recommend familiarizing yourself with the following features.
OneVue is a cloud-based solution that can be accessed from any web browser on a tablet, smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with an internet connection. The system requirements do not require you to install any software.
OneVue continuously monitors the operating status of OneVue Sync Transmitters. A Transmitter connects to your facility’s Ethernet network to check-in to OneVue. By default a Transmitter checks-in every 5 minutes and can be set to every 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
During each check-in, a Transmitter connects to its NTP time source to obtain UTC time, sends its current operating status and event data to OneVue, and downloads pending settings updates. When a Transmitter reports a status that is not within its normal operating condition, OneVue sets the Transmitter to a Warning state. When it remains in a Warning state for longer than the time period set in its Alarm Delay, it is then set to an Alarm state.
Conditions resulting in a Warning/Alarm state
Unresponsive: Transmitter has not checked-in to OneVue for the number of check-ins set in its Unresponsive Timeout. By default set to 3 consecutive check-ins, and can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 missed check-ins.
Time Sync Failure: during its last connection to its time source it failed to receive a valid time signal.
Hardware error: reported a status of either Bad Output Power, PLL Diagnostics, VSWR Errors, No GPS in 48 Hours, No 1PPS in 48 Hours, or GPS Cable Break.
Critical Error: Transmitter has NEVER established a valid time signal. Transmitter does not broadcast time during this error status.
From the Dashboard, monitor the current state of all your OneVue Sync Transmitters, and view a To Do list of system and alert notifications and User Announcements.
The OneVue account structure is designed to be flexible and scalable to support small to larger, more complex organizations. Easily manage who has access to devices, data, and features based on their job responsibilities through Business Units and optionally by Locations.
The ODC app is used to configure OneVue Sync Transmitters and Notify InfoBoards. For a new system deployment or when adding or replacing a device, each device is required to be configured onsite with the ODC app. The ODC app is available for both iOS and Android mobile devices.
From OneVue you can manage OneVue Sync Transmitters settings and view its operating history.
Settings managed from a Transmitter profile include its Name, Business Unit/Location, Time Zone, Alarm Delay, Network, Firmware, Check-In Interval, Unresponsive Timeout, and NTP Servers. From account settings, you can manage a Transmitter's default Time Zone and NTP Servers, and configure its Critical Notification Presets for use with Notify InfoBoards/MiniBoards (future 2019 product).
A Network Profile in OneVue represents a wired Ethernet network at your facility and each Transmitter is assigned to a network. Once assigned, the network settings are downloaded to the Transmitter, which allows the device to connect to your facility's network to transmit data to and download settings from OneVue. For OneVue devices that use NTP time, its assigned network also allows its connection to an external NTP Server (time source).
A Gateway is the internal component of a Primex network device that connects to your facility's network to transmit data to and download settings from your OneVue account.
Reports are generated by Report Profiles. A Report Profile can be configured to be specific to your reporting requirements, including the type of report, the included in the report, and how frequent the report is generated, and users that receive a notification when a new report is generated. At anytime, reports can be viewed and downloaded from OneVue.
Reports only include OneVue Sync Transmitters. 72MHz Analog Clocks, Digital Clocks, and Timers do not transmit data to OneVue and therefore are not included in reports.