The Clock-InfoBoard Warning State Report includes Clocks and InfoBoards currently in a Warning state. When in a Warning state, a device requires attention to resolve the cause of it entering a Warning state.
The following provides details of what's included in the report and an example of the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile set what optional fields (data) are included in the report. If the report does not include what's needed, be sure to review the options selected.
Report heading detail
Heading: displays the name of the Report Profile and the report date range.
Signature: when the report is manually generated (run now) by a user, the name of the user is displayed. If the report was automatically generated by the schedule set in the Report Profile no information is displayed and the signature line can be used for written signature purposes.
Run date: date and time the report was created.
Account: OneVue account name.
Report details
Below is the data included in the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile, set what optional fields (data) are included in the report.
Clock/InfoBoard Name: name of the device. By default, set to its 12-character Device ID/MAC address.
Type: Identifies the device model.
Business Unit: business unit assigned to the device.
Location: location assigned to the device.
Gateway ID: varies by the clock model. For a Bluetooth Clock, the 12-character ID (MAC address) of the Bridge that last reported the clock's status. For a PoE clock, its 12-character MAC address.
BTID: only applies to the Sync Bluetooth clocks. Each Bluetooth clock has a unique Bluetooth ID allowing it to receive its settings managed in OneVue and authenticate and connect to the mesh network.
InfoBoard Group: only applies to InfoBoards. The InfoBoard Group assigned to the InfoBoard.
State: state of the device at the time the reported was generated.
Status: status of the device at the time the report was generated. The status identifies the condition that resulted in the device entering a Warning state.
Days in Warning: number of days the device has been in a Warning state.