The Digital Event report includes the digital events reported by PoE Code Blue and Elapsed Timers. A timer transmits its digital events to your OneVue account during each check-in.
The following provides details of what's included in the report and an example of the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile set what optional fields (data) are included in the report. If the report does not include what's needed, be sure to review the options selected.
The report details include:
Clock Name: name of the device. Commonly identifies its install location.
Business Unit: the Business Unit assigned to the device.
Location: the location assigned to the device (optional setting).
Event Type: type of event that took place. Events include Count Up, Count Down, Code Blue.
Event Action: the action that took place, which is invoked by the timer control switch. Actions included Display, Start, Stop, and Reset.
Comments: comment added by a user.
Time of Event: when the event took place.
Timer Value: value of the timer at the time of the event.