From the Reports Active menu, you can view and download the latest reports and report history, generate a new report, and view the profile of a report to review its configuration details.
Go to Reports > Active. The list of active Report Profiles is listed.
Report Profile Name
Its unique name. Commonly name to easily identify the report detail. Selecting the link opens its Report Profile.
Report Type
Type of report
Specifies the number of days, weeks, or months of history included in the report. Specific dates indicates the Report Profile is set to a date range.
Generation Frequency
How often the report is set to be auto-generated by OneVue.
Ad Hoc
Selecting Run Now generates a new report. When the report is available, a report notification is displayed on the Dashboard To Do list and is set as the latest report.
The status of your report request will be listed:
Queuing: Your report is waiting in line for resources to generate data
Generating: Your report is in progress and actively using AWS resources to run
Failed: Something went wrong and your report did not complete. It is worthwhile to attempt to run the report again. If you still receive a failure message, please check your report profile for any errors. If needed contact Primex support for additional help.
The latest generated report. Displays the date and time the report was generated.
Selecting the PDF or CSV link opens the report. Not all reports are available in a CSV file type.
When View Reports is selected, opens a page that lists all reports generated by the Report Profile.
Review Status
Indicates the review status of all History reports generated by the Report Profile.
Not Current: indicates that at minimum one report that has not been reviewed.
Current: indicates all reports have been set to a status of reviewed.
From the History column, select View Reports to view the review status of each report.
Select any of the below report features.
View latest generated report: from the report Latest column, select either the PDF or CSV link. The type of file available is dependent on the report type - not all report types are available in a CSV file type.
View report history: from the report History column, select the View Reports link. To view reports within a specific date range, enter a start date and end date to filter the reports displayed.
Generate a new report: from the report Ad Hoc column, select the Run Now link. When the report is available, a report To Do notification is listed on your Dashboard. If the Report Profile is configured to send report notifications, the system also sends a report email notification to those users specified. The report is also saved as the Report Profile's Latest report.
View the Report Profile: select the Report Profile Name link of the report to view. Displays the settings of the Report Profile, which are managed by an account admin.