An Alert Rule activates an alert when a Bell Controller enters an Alarm state. When you need to receive alerts for a monitored condition or device, an Alert Rule must be created. The Alert Rule must include the monitored condition or devices and the users that are to receive alerts. To create or edit Alert Rules, you must be assigned to an Admin role.
If you need to temporarily stop alerts during a planned outage or for a short-term time period, you can disable an Alert Rule. If alerts are no longer needed, an Alert Rule can be deleted. Learn how to disable or delete an alert rule.
Go to Monitoring > Alert Rules.
To create a new Alert Rule, from the bottom menu select + New.
To edit an Alert Rule, select the Name link of the Alert Rule.
Enter or update its profile settings. To view all settings, select Show Advanced Options.
Rule Name
Name that uniquely identifies the Alert Rule.
Commonly provides additional information needed to share with system users.
What Assets/Relays/Transmitters
This selection identifies what is included in the Alert Rule, which will vary by solution.
Assets: adds Monitored Assets from the OneVue Sense solution.
Relays: adds Bell Controllers from the OneVue Notify solution.
Transmitters: adds Sync Transmitters from the OneVue Sync and Notify solution.
Make a selection from the drop-down list and select Add to List.
Repeat this step to add additional items. The table list what's included in the Alert Rule.
If a Business Unit or Location is added, all items assigned to the Business Unit or Location are included. If a Business Unit or Location is a parent to other Business Units, all of its child Business Units or Location assigned items are included. Adding a Business Unit(s) can simplify managing what's included, eliminating the need to add single items individually.
Alert Rules have the flexibility send alert notifications with simple or Team scheduling. Simple scheduling sends alert notifications to users based on a 24 hour, 365 day schedule. Team scheduling allows an Alert Rule to be assigned to a Team, which sends notifications based on the Team's shifts.
Alerts Go To
Identifies who alerts will be sent to during an alarming condition.
By default, an Alert Rule is set to simple scheduling. Simple scheduling sends alert notifications to users based on a 24 hour, 365 day schedule.
For simple scheduling, add the users or Business Units that are to receive alert notifications. The list displays who alert notifications are sent to.
Team Scheduling
Team scheduling allow alerts notifications to be sent to staff based on the day of the week and time of day.
When selected, a Team is added to the Alert Rule. The list displays the Team(s) assigned to the Alert Rule. The Team is configured with who the alerts go to.
Within a Team, a shift specifies who is to receive alert notifications based on the day of the week and time of day. A Team can have one shift or multiple shifts. Once a Team is created, an Alert Rule is set to Team scheduling and the Team is then required to be added to the Alert Rule.
Advanced settings. Below settings are only viewable when Show Advanced Options is selected.
Enable Alert Rule
Indicates if the Alert Rule is enabled or disabled.
When enabled, as indicated by a checkmark, alerts are generated.
Send return to notification
Indicates if a return to normal alert notification is sent after the alerting condition returns to a Normal state.
This provides an additional communication to the alert recipients that the condition has been resolved.
When enabled, as indicated by a checkmark, return notifications are generated.
Alert Interval
Sets the frequency alert notifications are continuously sent during the alerting condition.
As an example, an alert was activated at 1:00 PM and the Alert Interval is set to 15 minutes. An alert notification is sent every 15 minutes. However, if the alert was acknowledged, alerts resume at this frequency once the Resume Alert After the time period has been reached
When an alert is acknowledged, alert notifications are temporarily suspended until the time period set in the Resume Alerts After setting has been reached.
Resume Alerts After
Period of time that alert notifications resume after the alert has been acknowledged.
As an example, if a user acknowledges an alert at 1:00 PM and the Resume Alerts After setting is to 1 hour, alert notifications resume at 2:00 PM and are sent based on its Alert Interval frequency. If the alert is acknowledged again, it will resume notifications based on its Resume Alerts After frequency.
Limit to These Types of Alerts
An Alert Rule has various alert types that can be enabled or disabled. Commonly, the condition being monitored or the Primex device type indicates the alert types enabled. By default, all alert types are enabled.
By default, all alert types are enabled, which may or may not apply to the condition you are monitoring.
Only select those alert types for the condition being monitored. For detailed information, see topic About OneVue alerting.
Low Battery: Primex device has a low battery level.
Temperature: temperature reading is either below or above its Normal Condition.
Humidity: humidity reading is either below or above its Normal Condition.
Differential Pressure: differential pressure reading is not within its Normal Condition.
Unresponsive: device has not checked-in to OneVue within the time period set in its Unresponsive Timeout setting.
No Probe: temperature probe or water leak detector is either disconnected from a sensor device or has a malfunction.
Time Sync Failure: device failed to receive time from its time source.
Transmitter: Transmitter has reported a hardware error status.
Critical Error: Transmitter has never received a valid time signal and is not transmitting time to secondary devices.
Water Leak: water leak sensor has reported a wet reading.
Contact Closure: contact closure sensor has reported an open reading.
For Email Notifications, add text to every alert message
Text entered is added to email alert notifications. Text or voice notifications do not include this additional information.
As an example, add information that includes processes or specific actions that staff is required to take or reference during an alerting condition.
Include selected Alert Resolution Templates
Setting only applies to OneVue Sense solution
This feature does not apply to the alerting features available in the OneVue 72MHz Sync and Notify solutions.
Escalation Time
(simple scheduling)
An Alert Rule can be configured to send one-time escalation notifications in a given order when an alerting condition has not returned to a Normal state for a specified period of time. Escalation notifications are sent based on start time of the alerting condition. If a user acknowledges an alert notification, the countdown to sending an escalation notification is paused and the countdown resumes at the time alert notifications resume (Resume Alerts Interval setting). The first escalation is sent based on the Escalate settings, and the second escalation sent is based on the Next Escalation settings.
Escalate To
(simple Scheduling)
Who is to receive the one-time alert escalation notification. It's recommended to send to a user(s) that is not recipient of the alert notification (Alerts Go To).
Next Escalation Time
(simple scheduling)
When a second one-time escalation notification is generated if the alerting condition continues to be in an Alarm state.
Escalate To Next
(simple scheduling)
Who is to receive the second one-time escalation alert notification.
Select Save.