When a Bell Controller has not checked-in to OneVue for more than 3 hours, it's set to an Alarm state with an Unresponsive status. You may have received an alert, and also noticed the bell controller's yellow LED indicator flashing and No Signal is displayed on its LCD screen (lower-right corner).
Due to a bell controller connects to your facility's network to check-in to OneVue and download bell schedules, it's important to resolve this issue.
Acknowledge the alert to temporarily stop alert notifications.
From OneVue, go to the Dashboard > from the To Do list, select the alert > from the top section, add a comment indicating the action being taken and select Acknowledge.
While at the bell controller, verify its network connection. This will help to identify what may be causing this alarm condition.
Press and quickly release its check-in button (up arrow).
Listen to the beep sequence and perform the corrective action steps based on the beeps emitted.
Corrective action steps...
1 beep only
Indicates the bell controller could not connect to its assigned network.
Contact your IT department and ask the following:
Has there been a recent change to the network or a recent outage? Has there been a change to a wireless network SSID or passphrase?
If yes, add a new network with these settings in OneVue. You will then use the OWDC app or the Primex Device Configuration software to update the network for these devices.
Verify the network assigned to the device.
Is MAC filtering used on the network? If yes, verify the bell controller's 12-character Gateway ID (MAC address) is added to the MAC filtering list.
Verify the OneVue Network requirements are met (ports and firewall settings).
1 beep and 2 beeps only
Indicates the bell controller could not connect to OneVue.
Commonly due the local network is preventing its connection to OneVue, which may also result in schedules not downloading to the bell controller.
Contact your IT department and verify the OneVue Network Requirements are met (port and firewall settings)
Entire beep sequence (1 beep, 2 beeps, and 3 beeps)
Indicates it checked-in to OneVue.
Log in to OneVue and verify it has returned to a Normal state.
From the bell controller, verify Signal OK is displayed, which is located in the lower-right corner of its LCD screen.
If the entire beep sequence was emitted and the bell controller remains in an Alarm state, contact your IT department to verify the OneVue Network Requirements are met (port and firewall settings).