Before completing any troubleshooting on a 14000 Series Transmitter, it's recommended to complete the procedure below. This allows you to observe and log the current state of the system clocks and Transmitter(s).
Record all issues reported from the system clocks.
Are all the clocks involved or just some clocks?
If just some clocks, where are they installed and how many? Smaller quantities could be clock issues and not Transmitter related.
Once its determined to check a Transmitter, look it over and take notes of the information below.
Is the red LED flashing to the right of the screen?
Write down all information displayed on the Transmitter front display, including the time displayed. It's recommended to also take a photo of the front display.
Is the GPS communication symbol displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen? When the symbol is displayed, this indicates the Transmitter and GPS Receiver are communicating. If the symbol is not displayed, see Transmitter Does Not Have GPS Communication Symbol (Section 1).