This checklist is intended to aid those responsible for implementing a OneVue Notify Bell Scheduling system - from setting up OneVue, configuring and installing devices, and training staff.
This checklist will guide you through the steps needed for a successful implementation.
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PA/Bell System: Identify the existing system. A Bell Controller is compatible with a public address (PA) and/or bell system equipment that supports a two-wire direct connection. Most systems provide for an auxiliary 2 wire connection to trigger pulse tones as an alternative to direct controls and audio options. Consult with the PA or bell system manufacturer or integrator or refer to the system input connection specifications.
Networks: What type of network will the Bell Controller connect to at the facility? Commonly, a Bell Controller connects to a PoE or Ethernet network. What are the network settings for each network?
OneVue Network Requirements: Verify the OneVue Network Requirements are met, which ensures Bell Controllers can send data to and download settings from OneVue. Commonly shared with IT staff.
NTP servers: A Bell Controller requires to synchronize its time to an NTP time source. By default, set to public NTP servers. Does the facility have a designated NTP time source? If yes, what are the NTP IP addresses?
Bells schedules: What are the schedules for the majority of the school year (default schedule)? What are the schedules for those days the bells are to be different from the majority of the school year (exception schedule)?
Ring types: Is there an existing ring pattern expected? OneVue provides several standard ring types and custom ring types can be added. A custom ring type is set to a specific ring pattern by its duration, repeat delay, and the number of rings.
Impromptu Bell: Is there a need to activate a bell manually, commonly referred to as an impromptu bell? A Bell Controller's dry contact closure inputs can connect to a standalone switch or button to activate a bell manually.
Users (staff): Who is responsible for the setup of bell schedules? Who will manage account settings and users? Who is responsible for device maintenance and IT support?
Alerts: Who is to receive alerts when a Bell Controller enters an Alarm state? Will the same staff receive alerts 24/7 or are there staff shift schedules that determine the day of the week or time of day that specific staff are to receive alerts? How will alerts be sent to each user (text, voice, email)?
Business Units: Is this a multi-school implementation with more than one Bell Controller? Is each school responsible for managing their own bell schedules?
When an order is placed, a Bell Controller is required to be added to OneVue. Primex provides two methods to add Bell Controllers to your OneVue account.
Online Device Preconfiguration |
Onsite Configuration |
Device Preconfiguration is completed online from your OneVue account. Once completed, Primex configures each device with your OneVue account ID and the settings provided during preconfiguration. It's an easy online process that allows devices to be ready for use when they arrive at your facility. |
When a Bell Controller arrives at your facility, it's configured with the OneVue Wired Device Configurator (OWDC) app. The app is only compatible with Android mobile devices. You will connect your Android mobile device to the Bell Controller and the app guides you through the configuration process. |
Using the requirements gathered during step 1, you will not set up OneVue.
Bell Schedules set when the bells ring, which is determined by the schedule's default and exception schedules. You will need to configure the schedules set in each bell schedule and then verify each of the Bell Controller Relays to are assigned to a schedule. Commonly, a bell schedule is created and assigned to a relay during Step 2.
Add NTP Servers (account setting)
A Bell Controller obtains UTC time from an NTP server during each check-in and then synchronizes the received UTC time to the account time zone.
Each staff member, that will either be responsible for monitoring or managing bell schedules, must be added to OneVue. When a new user is added, they will receive an email to activate their OneVue user account. Primex recommends assigning two users to the Account Admin role.
An Alert Rule generates alert notifications to notify staff when a Bell Controller is in an Alarm state. The alert types that apply to a bell controller include low battery, unresponsive, and time sync failure.
Reports are generated by Report Profiles. The report types available include two bell schedule reports and three user reports.
A bell schedule period is assigned to a ring type. OneVue provides pre-defined ring types and custom ring types can also be created.
If you have staff required to receive alerts based on the day of the week and time of day, create a Team with shifts. You will then set an Alert Rule to Team Scheduling and assign the Team.
Install Bell Controller and wire relays to the existing PA/bell system. Optionally, wire an impromptu bell.
Verify the Bell Controller successfully connects to the network and checks-in to OneVue at its install location.
Verify the bells ringing per schedules set in the relay's assigned bell schedule.
If bells are not ringing as expected or a bell controller does not connect to the network, see Troubleshooting.