You may need to replace a sensor device for a few reasons - either the sensor device is not working properly, a model change due to security standards (e.g. TLS 1.0 and 1.1 network requirements), or the sensing element expires from calibration. For temperature sensors, if you only need to replace a temperature probe, see Replace a Probe.

When you replace a sensor using this process, you will not lose any data. All readings are assigned to the Monitored Asset in OneVue, not the sensor device itself. For example if your monitored asset is a refrigerator, all data is associated to the refrigerator - not the Primex sensor affixed to the refrigerator. The sensor device simply logs and sends the readings to OneVue for the refrigerator you are monitoring.
If you have ever replaced your mobile phone, it's pretty similar. You are simply replacing the physical device - you don't lose any data or information. As with a mobile phone or a Primex sensor, it's important to follow the replacement steps.
You must be assigned to an Admin role to complete this procedure. Please allow up to 15 to 30 minutes to complete the replacement.
During the following steps you will configure the new sensor with the same settings of the sensor you are replacing. Settings include the Monitored Asset, Normal Condition (range), Alarm Delay, Logging Interval, and more. Alert Rules and Reports are not impacted by a sensor replacement - you are only replacing the sensor that's logging and sending readings to OneVue.
You may have received a new sensor from Primex or have a spare sensor on-hand. Although the new sensor is not monitoring an asset at this time it must be in OneVue.
Log into OneVue, go to Devices > Sensors.
From the front of the sensor, locate its 12-character MAC address (Gateway ID) printed on the label affixed to the sensor.
From the list, locate its 12-character Gateway ID (MAC address). If the sensor is listed, proceed to Step 2.
If you have a lot of sensors, it may be easier to find the sensor through an advanced search: select the gear icon
> from the Filter by > select Gateway ID > enter the last four digits of the 12-characters with a colon (example: :59:E2) > select Add Filter > select the gear icon
. The list will only display the sensor found with the Gateway ID entered.
If the sensor is listed, proceed to Step 2.
If the sensor is not listed, you need to add the sensor to OneVue with the OneVue Wired Device Configurator (OWDC) app. Once added to OneVue, you can then proceed to Step 2.
During this step, you will document the settings of the sensor you are replacing. The new sensor must be configured with the same settings as the sensor you are replacing.
For a Temperature Sensor with two probes or a Temperature & Humidity Sensor, complete the following steps for each sensor type. Although these sensor models are one device, they do have two sensors in OneVue.
From your Dashboard, go to Monitoring > Monitored Assets > select the Monitored Asset currently assigned to the sensor being replaced.
From the Sensor Type column, select the existing Sensor (example: link Temperature). Its profile is displayed.
From the Sensor Profile, select Show Advanced Options > document the Normal Condition and Alarm Delay.
Select its Gateway ID link > document the Logging Interval, Check-in Interval, Unresponsive Timeout, Enable Audio Alert(checkmark displayed when enabled), and Resume Audio Alert After settings.
Unassign the sensor from the Monitored Asset. You will assign the new sensor to the Monitored Asset during Step 4.
Return to the sensor profile, from its Gateway profile, select the Sensor Type link .
From the sensor Monitored Asset setting > select Clear > select Save.
If the sensor you are replacing is powered on, remove both its AC and battery power. This ensures the sensor does not connect to OneVue.
Mount the sensor in the same location as the sensor you are replacing and power it on. Be sure to insert the backup batteries and set the battery switch to the UP (on) position.
If this is a Temperature Sensor with a probe(s), remove the probe from the sensor you are replacing and insert the probe into the new sensor.
When you applied power to the sensor, it automatically checked into OneVue.
Wait for 2 to 3 minutes and verify Signal Ok is displayed in the lower-right corner of its LCD screen. This indicates it successfully checked into OneVue.
For a Temperature Sensor with a probe, you need to clear the Err state and reset its reading collection period.
For 1 second, press and hold the sensor Silence button
(bell icon). A single beep is emitted when the reset is complete.
From the LCD screen verify the readings are displaying (Lo, Hi, and Cur).
Press and quickly release the sensor Check-In button
(up arrow).
You are ready to configure the new sensor. You will configure the new sensor with the same settings you documented in Step 2. Once configured, the new sensor's readings are linked to the Monitored Asset and it will be fully operational.
From the the sensor, locate its 12-character MAC address (Gateway ID) . It's printed on the front label affixed to the sensor.
Go to Devices > Sensors > locate the sensor's 12-character Gateway ID (MAC address) > select its Sensor Type link.
To locate the sensor by an advanced search, see Step 1.2.
Configure the sensor with the settings you documented in Step 2.
Select Show Advanced Options > assign its Monitored Asset > set its Normal Condition and Alarm Delay settings> select Save.
Configure the additional settings documented in Step 2.
Select its Gateway ID link > select Show Advanced Options > set its Logging Interval, Check-in Interval, Unresponsive Timeout, Enable Audio Alert (checkmark displayed when enabled), and Resume Audio Alert After settings > select Save.
Verify the sensor is in a Normal state.
Return to the sensor profile, from its Gateway profile, select the Sensor Type link .
If the sensor is in a Suspended or Decommissioned state, manually set the sensor to a Normal state.
Select Show Advanced Options > from the Change State section > New State drop-down, select Normal > enter a Reason > select Change State.
To ensure the sensor downloads its settings, perform a manual check-in.
Press and quickly release the sensor Check-In button
(up arrow).
Now that you have assigned the new sensor to the Monitored Asset, you want to ensure the replacement was successful.
Go to Monitoring > Monitored Assets .
From the list, verify the asset's Last Reading/Date Time and it's in a Normal state.
If the sensor you replaced is being taken out of service or disposed of it should be removed from OneVue. Note that if a sensor has collected data while not associated with a Monitored Asset, removing the sensor will delete those readings. Please be sure all readings are where you need them before removing a sensor.
Contact Primex Technical Support and provide your OneVue Account Name and the sensor's 12-character Gateway ID (MAC address).