The Logging Interval is how frequent a sensor logs a reading and stores it into its internal memory. All logged readings are then sent to OneVue at the frequency set the sensor's Check-in Interval frequency.
By default, the Logging Interval is set to 1 hour and the Check-In Interval is set to 8 hours; at each 8-hour check-in a total of 8 one hour logged readings are transmitted to OneVue.
Set the logging frequency to meet your organization's standard for reporting and managing the reading data of the asset being monitored.
A shorter Logging Interval creates more reading data points. A Monitored Asset's reading points can be used to evaluate or report on the monitored condition.
The Logging Interval setting must be equal to or less than the sensor's gateway Check-In Interval setting. The Check-In Interval sets the frequency logged sensor readings are transmitted to your OneVue account.
If a check-in fails, all logged readings are stored in the sensor's non-volatile memory. A sensor device stores up to 4096 readings in its memory before it begins to overwrite the oldest reading.
Although the Logging Interval sets how often a sensor logs a reading, a sensor continuously monitors its sampled readings. When a sampled out of range reading is detected, the sensor connects to the network and the out of range reading is automatically transmitted to OneVue as described below.
For all sensor types, when a sensor is in a reading Alarm state and its sampled readings are within normal range for 60 consecutive seconds, the last sampled normal reading is automatically sent to OneVue. This clears the reading Alarm state and ends the alert.
The following step begins by selecting the Monitored Asset assigned to the sensor, which is the recommended method. This ensures the correct sensor monitoring the asset is selected.
Go to Monitoring > Monitored Assets.
From the list, select the Monitored Asset link. Its profile is displayed.
Select the Sensor Type link. The sensor profile is displayed.
Select the Gateway ID link of the sensor.
Select Show Advanced Options.
From the Logging Interval drop-down menu, select the frequency readings are to be logged and stored in the internal log buffer of the device. Logged readings are transmitted to OneVue per the sensor gateway's Check-In Interval setting.
Select Save.
The Update Pending status is set to Yes when a setting change is scheduled to be downloaded to the device during its next check-in to OneVue. Setting changes take effect when downloaded to the device. Once downloaded, its Updating Pending status is set to No.