The State History of a Bell Controller provides a consolidated view of all state change events for a specified period of time. This information is helpful during troubleshooting to analyze how often and when state changes have occurred.
Go to Devices > Bell Controller Relays.
From the list, select the 9-character link of the relay to view. The last digit indicates if it is relay 1 or 2.
From the Relay State History, select View.
Set the date range to include. If there is no state changes for the dates selected, nothing is displayed.
All state changes occurred for the date range selected is displayed.
Check In/Date Time
Date and time the device checked-in to OneVue and reported the State change or the date/time that OneVue set the State.
State of the device at the check-in/date time.
Gateway ID
Unique 12-character ID (MAC Address) of the Bell Controller device. Selecting the link opens the Bell Controller's gateway profile.
Assigned Schedule
Bell Schedule assigned to the relay.
A Bell Controller has two relays that are wired to a public address (PA) or bell system. A Bell Schedule is assigned to each relay. Bell Schedules are downloaded to the Bell Controller device, which allows its relays to trigger your school bells.
If the state change was completed by a user, the reason entered by the user is displayed.
When a state change was completed by a user, the user's name is displayed.