A Bell Controller logs all bell events it has activated for each of its relays. A bell event represents each period set in a Bell Schedule and also any non-scheduled events triggered by an impromptu bell. During each check-in a bell controller sends its bell events to OneVue, which are stored in its relay's event history. This information is helpful when you need to verify a bell event was activated.
Go to Devices > Bell Controller Relays.
From the list, select the 9-character Relay link.
From the Relay Event History, select View.
The historical events of the relay are displayed for the selected Start Date and End Date. You can modify the dates to display the event for a specific time period.
Event Date/Time
Date and time the relay triggered a bell event. A bell event is triggered for each period set in its assigned bell schedule.
Gateway ID
Bell controller's 12-character ID (MAC address). Selecting the link opens the device's gateway profile.
Assigned Bell Schedule
The bell schedule assigned to the relay.
The schedule is downloaded to the bell controller device. A device's relay triggers the bells to ring at the periods set in its assigned schedule.
Indicates if the bell event was generated from a bell schedule period (Yes) or a non-scheduled event (No).
A non-scheduled bell event is triggered by a standalone switch or button wired to a bell controller's dry contact closure inputs. A non-scheduled bell event is referred to an impromptu bell that is not scheduled in OneVue.