Transmitter settings are managed from its profile and there are also related settings managed from your OneVue account profile.
The OneVue Device Configurator (ODC) app is used when configuring a new Transmitter. After its ODC configuration is complete, you will then remotely manage a Transmitter's settings from OneVue.
Once a Transmitter has connected to OneVue, you can remotely manage its settings from OneVue. Each Transmitter has a unique profile where you can view and manage its settings.
From your OneVue account profile, you can manage the default Time Zone and NTP Servers for Transmitters. Also, from the account profile you can customize the OneVue Notify Critical Notification Presets (subscription required).
The ODC app is used to configure OneVue Sync Transmitters and Notify InfoBoards. For a new system deployment or when adding or replacing a device, each device is required to be configured onsite with the ODC app. The ODC app is available for both iOS and Android mobile devices.
Commonly use of the ODC app is used during installation and also post-install when Transmitter setting updates are required to be made to its FCC Call Sign and channel and transmit schedule. It's recommended that these settings are only changed when directed by Primex Technical Support.