An InfoBoard Group sets the display and message settings for each InfoBoard assigned to the group.
The benefit of InfoBoard Groups is to provide a method to easily manage display settings for all InfoBoards or for those InfoBoards located in specific areas. A group also sets timer features, including when a scheduled countdown begins for each period set in the groups' assigned timer schedule, and if a ring tone is emitted at the end of an elapsed timer stop event.
Go to Devices > InfoBoards.
From the bottom menu, select InfoBoard Groups.
From the list, identify the group that most represents the settings for the new group and select Copy. A new group is created.
Configure its settings.
InfoBoard Group
Name: uniquely identifies the InfoBoard. Commonly identifies its install location.
Type: set by OneVue and identifies it is the Default InfoBoard Group or a User Defined InfoBoard Group (created by a OneVue User).
When a new InfoBoard is added to OneVue, it's assigned to the Default InfoBoard Group.
Business Unit: its assigned Business Unit.
A Business Unit commonly represents your entire facility or specific areas within your facility.
All users assigned to a Role in the Busness Unit have access to the InfoBoard Group and all InfoBoards assigned to the group.
The Default InfoBoard Group is assigned to the account Business Unit and cannot be changed.
General Features
Brightness Level: sets the LED brightness level. The higher the level the brighter the digits.
Time Color: sets the color of the time displayed.
Timer Color: sets the digit color during a timer event. Timer events include a code blue, scheduled countdown, or elapsed timer event.
Time Format: sets if time is displayed in a 12 or 24-hour format.
Date Color: sets the color of the date displayed.
Date Format: sets the how the current date is displayed.
Message Color: sets the color of the message. Options include White, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta.
Scroll Speed: sets the scroll speed of the message, the higher the number the faster the scroll. 3 or 4 are recommended. When set to 0 (zero) the message does not scroll, which should be used when there are less than 10 characters.
Message: sets the message displayed on the InfoBoards. Allows up to a maximum of 64 characters.
For message displayed on MiniBoard only: due to its smaller display width, an _ (underscore) character is required between every 10 characters, which creates a line break for proper scrolling. For example, to display "Early Release Today at 1:00 PM". Set to: Early_Release Today_at 1:00 PM.
Display Interval
Sets when the current time and/or date and message are displayed.
Display Format: sets how time and date is displayed, Options include Time with Date (default) or Time and Date Separately. When set to Time and Date Separately, the date is displayed below the time.
Display Time/Date for (Time with Date selected): sets the number of seconds the current time and date are displayed.
Display Time for (when Time and Date Separately is selected): sets the number of seconds the current Time is displayed.
Display Date for (when Time and Date Separately is selected): sets the number of seconds the current Date is displayed.
Display Message for: sets if the message is displayed or not displayed. The number represents how many seconds the message is displayed as the InfoBoard rotates displaying its time, date, and message.
When set to 0 (zero), the message is not displayed and only time and date are displayed.
When greater than 0 (zero), the message is displayed for selected the number of seconds.
For example, Display Message for is set to 30 seconds, and the Display Time and Display Date are set to 60 seconds. The InfoBoards display their time and date for 60 consecutive seconds and then rotate to display the message for 30 consecutive seconds. This rotation continues until the message is set to 0 (zero).
Advanced settings. Below settings are only viewable when Show Advanced Options is selected.
Bell/Timer Schedule
InfoBoards can also operate as a Scheduled Countdown Timer to display a countdown to begin before the start of a school period. Countdown events are set from the Bell/Timer Schedule assigned to the InfoBoard Group.
Schedule Countdown
Begin Countdown [seconds] before each period start time: sets the number of seconds the countdown begins before a period set in the assigned Bell/Timer Schedule.
Elapsed Timer
InfoBoards can operate as an Elapsed Timer with both count up and count down options. The three-button Timer Control Switch allows a user to start, pause, stop, and reset the count events, and set an event to begin at a specific time increment. When not in an active count event, an InfoBoard displays synchronized time and general messaging.
Play ring type for elapsed timer stop: when selected, InfoBoard emits a ring tone at the stop of a count event.
Ring Type: sets the ring type. Ring types can also be customized, see View bell ring types and create custom ring types.
To save the new group, select Copy.
The InfoBoard Group can now be assigned to InfoBoards, see topic Change InfoBoard assigned InfoBoard Group.