A Primex network device requires a network connection to operate over your facility's network. During each network connection, a device transmits its data to and downloads data from your OneVue account. Due to the importance of devices connecting to your facility’s network, network settings are downloaded and stored locally at each device. To avoid a device losing its connection to your facility’s network, changes to a device's network is managed by performing a network migration procedure.
Migrate device to new network from OneVue
If you need to change the network assigned to a device from OneVue, you can assign a migration network and the migration network is downloaded to the device during its next check-in.
The current network must be operational to allow the device's check-in to OneVue to download the migration network settings. During a check-in, the device will download the migration network settings.
Migrate device to new network locally at device with Primex Device Configuration software (OneVue manual configuration file)
Manually migrating a device to a different network can be performed with the Primex Device Configuration software. An encrypted file (.pwg extension) is downloaded from a device's gateway profile. The file includes your OneVue account ID and the network profile(s) assigned to the device's gateway profile. This method is required when the current network assigned to the device is not available or online.
If the networks used by your Primex devices are not managed from your OneVue account, any device network updates are required to made locally at the device with the Primex Device Configuration software.