If you need to change the network assigned to a device from OneVue, you can assign a migration network and the migration network is downloaded to the device during its next check-in.
It's critical to ensure the current assigned network is operational on your network to allow devices to connect to the current assigned network to download the migration network settings. Once all devices successfully connect to the migration network, the previous assigned network is no longer required to be operational on your network.
It's recommended to perform this procedure on a single or test group of devices with both the current network and migration network operational on your network. This will allow you to validate the devices' connection to the migration network.
The procedure can be performed for a single or multiple devices at the same time.
A migration network is assigned to the device's gateway.
During its next check-in to OneVue, the device downloads its assigned migration network settings.
At the device's next subsequent check-in, the device attempts to connect to the migration network first.
Once the device successfully connects to the migration network, the system automatically sets its network to the migration network set during this procedure and clears the migration network setting. If the connection to the migration network should fail, it attempts to connect to its current assigned network.
Before you begin this procedure, verify the settings of the network you are migrating to are correct.
Go to Devices > select the device type.
From the list, select the Gateway ID of the device you are migrating. The device's gateway profile is displayed.
Select Show Advanced Options.
From the Migration Network drop-down, select the network profile the device is to be migrated to.
To change the IPv4 address, from the Migration Network IPv4 field, enter the IPv4 address the device is to be migrated to. To set the IPv4 migration network, the migration network must be a non-DHCP network with a specific subnet mask, gateway and DNS servers.
Select Save.
Its Updated Pending status is set to Yes and the network migration change is scheduled to be downloaded to the device during its next check-in to OneVue. Once the device has successfully connected to the migration network, the system automatically sets the primary network to the migration network selected during this procedure and the migration network setting is cleared.
Before you begin this procedure, verify the settings of the network you are migrating to are correct.
This multi-edit procedure cannot be performed for devices assigned to a static IPv4 address.
Go to Devices > Gateways.
From the list, select the devices' gateways that are to be migrated from their current primary network to another network.
Select Edit Selected. The Mass Edit Gateway window is displayed.
From the Migration Network drop-down menu, select the network profile the selected gateways are to be migrated to.
Select Update All Selected Gateways.
All selected device's Updated Pending status is set to Yes and the network migration change is scheduled to be downloaded to each device during their next check-in to your OneVue account. Once a device has successfully connected to the migration network, the system automatically sets the primary network to the migration network selected during this procedure and the migration network setting is cleared.