The User Role Report provides details of the Roles and Device Classes assigned to each user.
If you need to understand who has access to account data and features, this report provides what's needed to identify who's assigned to specific Business Units or Locations and their assigned Roles.
The following provides details of what's included in the report and an example of the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile set what optional fields (data) are included in the report. If the report does not include what's needed, be sure to review the options selected.
Report heading detail
Heading: displays the name of the Report Profile and the report date range.
Signature: when the report is manually generated (run now) by a user, the name of the user is displayed. If the report was automatically generated by the schedule set in the Report Profile no information is displayed and the signature line can be used for written signature purposes.
Run date: date and time the report was created.
Account: OneVue account name.
User detail
If a user is assigned to more than one Business Unit or Location, multiple rows are displayed for each of the user's assigned Business Unit or Location.
User: first and last name and email address of the user.
Active: indicates if the user is active (Yes) or deactivated (No).
Role: the role assigned to the user by Business Unit or Location.
Role Type: identifies if the role assigned is a BU (Business Unit) or Location.
Entity (Location/BU): name of the Location or Business Unit the user's role is assigned to.
Device Classes: identifies the user's assigned Device Classes. It's recommended that a user is assigned to the Device Classes for the OneVue solution deployed at your organization.