When a temperature probe is either removed from a sensor's input jack or the probe is not operating as expected, a No Probe status is automatically sent to OneVue.
You may have received an alert notification and noticed the sensor yellow LED indicator flashing and Err displayed.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps.
Acknowledge the alert to temporarily stop alert notifications.
From OneVue, go to the Dashboard > from the To Do list, select the alert > from the top section, add a comment indicating the action being taken and select Acknowledge.
Locally at the sensor verify that:
If the probe cable is routed through a door hinge or seal, ensure the probe cable has enough slack. You want to ensure the opening and closing of the door does not cause the probe to become detached from the sensor input jack.
The probe cable is secured at every 6 inches (15.2 cm) of the cable run and at all turns. This will prevent the risk of accidentally pulling out a cable or moving the probe/thermobuffer from its fixed mounting position.
The probe cable is free of defect.
The probe plug and sensor input jack are free of debris.
The probe is inserted properly into the sensor jack.
For a dual probe sensor, verify each probe is inserted into the correct jack. The input jacks - Probe 1 or Probe 2.
Reset its collection period.
If the sensor is NOT in a reading alarm: press and hold down the Silence button
(bell icon) for 1 second. A single beep is emitted when the reset is complete.
If the sensor IS in a reading alarm (audio alert and/or red LED is flashing): press and quickly release the Silence button
(bell icon) to clear the alarm, and then for 1 second press and hold down the Silence button. A single beep is emitted when the reset is complete.
This clears the audio alarm and resets the collection period.
Press and quickly release the sensor Check-in button
(up arrow). The sensor connects to the network and checks-in to OneVue.
Log in to OneVue and verify the sensor and Monitored Asset has returned to a Normal state.
If the issue cannot be resolved, follow your organization's standard operating procedures (SOPs). This may require replacing the probe or instituting manual recording protocols until the issue can be resolved.
Learn about the best practices for mounting a temperature sensor and probe.
If you need to replace a probe, learn more about the probes available for use with a Primex temperature sensor.