You can set the display brightness level, display mode, and time and date format. For an elapsed timer, you can set its audio buzzer to be on or off.
Go to Devices > Clocks.
If you need to update more than one clock, be sure to use the multi-edit feature. From the list, select all of the clocks to update and then select Edit Selected.
From the list, select the Name link of the device. Its profile is displayed.
Select Show Advanced Options.
Update its display settings.
Brightness Level
Display Mode
Display Format
Show Time For
Buzzer On (elapsed timer model only)
Select Save.
Its Update Pending status is set to Yes and the setting change is scheduled to be downloaded to the device during its next check-in to OneVue. Setting changes take effect when downloaded to the device. Once downloaded, its Updating Pending status is set to No.