The front display main menu provides access to view the Transmitter's settings and diagnostic information.
The switch setting menu provides the details of what the Transmitter dip switch settings, located on the back of the unit, are set to.
Channel Number: displays the Channel Number the Transmitter is broadcasting from per its FCC/ICC license.
Time Zone: Indicates its the set time zone.
ST/DST: Indicates whether or not Daylight Saving Time is enabled.
24h/12h: Indicates the time option selected for the display.
UTC offset: Indicates the time zone location relative to Greenwich, England. (- ) is west of England; (+) is East of England.
-30m/off: Indicates if the -30m is enabled or disabled.
NTP/GPS: Indicates the time source input option selected (NTP or GPS).
LAN/Local: Indicates if the Transmitter’s serial port is connected to a network port or locally.
Aux 3: Not applicable.
Aux 4: Not applicable.
To view the diagnostic menu move the selection arrow so that it is pointing to Diagnostic, then press the (right arrow) button once.
There are seven entries that identify the Transmitter configuration.
Firmware Rev: Displays current version of software the Transmitter is running on.
Time Since Last GPS: Displays how much time has passed since the Transmitter last received valid time from the GPS Receiver.
Hardware Rev: Displays the hardware revision number
GPS/Repeater: Displays if there is a GPS or a Repeater connected. If NTP is the time source, Repeater is displayed.
Last Repeater Update: Displays how much time has passed since the Transmitter last received valid time from a Repeater Switch or NTP time.
Serial Number: displays the Transmitter serial number.
MAC Address: Displays the device ID for the Network Interface.
To identify the error code resulting in the red or yellow LED indicator, scroll to the entry that has a dot in front of it; which indicates that entry is the error. When a Transmitter error code occurs, the yellow or red LED flashes and the error is logged. The LEDs continue to flash until all logged errors have been cleared.