The account Probe Replacement settings define the time interval when temperature probes with CertiTrak are to be replaced and the probe lifespan start date. OneVue intelligently tracks the lifespan of each probe by calculating the days remaining to be replaced based on the Probe Replacement settings. The days remaining to replace probes are provided in the Probe Replacement report. Primex does not provide or recommend recalibrating probes, rather replace probes when they reach the end of their lifespan.
Probe Replacement settings
The account Probe Replacement settings set the value for all probes. If these settings are required to be different for a specific probe, you can configure these settings from its sensor profile. It's recommended to configure these settings to meet your organization’s policies.
Probe Replacement: the time interval when a probe is to be replaced. If Use Default is displayed, set to the account Probe Replacement setting.
The default value is Every 2 Years; options include Every Year, Every 2 Years, Every 5 Years, and Every 10 years.
Replace Based On: the start of the probe lifespan.
First Use Date: starts on the date the probe was first inserted into a sensor device.
Last Testing Date: starts on the date of calibration documented in its Calibration Data Report.
How to configure or update probe replacement settings
Go to Admin > Edit "your account name".
From the Probe Replacement section, configure the settings.
Probe Replacement: default value is Every 2 Years; options include Every Year, Every 2 Years, Every 5 Years, and Every 10 years.
Replace Based On: default value is First Use Date; options include First Use Date and Last Testing Date.
To apply a setting change, select Save.