The Event History of a Monitored Asset includes its state change and alert history. The history data includes alert notifications, state change events and comments, alert acknowledgments and comments, and logged alert resolutions.
How to view the event history
Go to Monitoring > Monitored Assets.
From the list, select the Name link of the asset to view.
From the Event History option, select View.
By default, the last 31 days of events is displayed.
To specify a date range, select from either the below options and select Search.
Backward 1 week: sets the start date back seven days.
Start Date: sets the start date of the date range to display.
End Date: sets the end date of the date range to display.
Forward 1 Week: sets the current date range forward seven days from the selected start date.
All event data is displayed for the date range specified. If no data is displayed, an event did not occur during the selected date range.
The following data is displayed.
Change Date/Time
Date and time the event occurred
State that the Monitored Asset changed to during the event.
Gateway ID (12-character MAC address) of the sensor assigned to the Monitored Asset.
Sensor gateway settings include the Logging Interval, Check-in Interval, Unresponsive Timeout, and other device and network settings.
Sensor Type
Type of sensor assigned to the Monitored Asset, which identifies the monitored condition.
Monitored Asset
Name of the Monitored Asset (event history is displayed for this asset).
Event History
Identifies the cause of the event
For a state change event, displays the Monitored Asset's status resulting in the event.
If a user logged details regarding event, identifies the name of user.
Comment Type & Comment
Comment Type identifies the type of event. The Comment column displays details logged by a user or information generated by OneVue.
System Change: state change event due to Monitored Asset reading excursion or assigned sensor device operating condition.
User Change: user manually changed the State of the Monitored Asset.
Alert Started: alert activated due to the Monitored Asset entering an Alarm state.
Alert Sent: alert notification sent at the time the Monitored Asset entered an Alarm state.
Reminder Sent: alert reminder notifications were sent.
Escalated: alert escalation notifications were sent.
Acknowledged: alert acknowledged by a user.
Unacknowledged: alert was not acknowledged and alert notifications sent again (Reminder Sent).
Alert Ended: alert ended due to Monitored Asset returned to a Normal state.
Alert Resolution Added: user logged a resolution from an Alert Resolution.
User Comment: user entered a comment to the Alert Resolution's State History.
Select Save as CSV to download the data displayed into a CSV file. The file is saved to your default Download location.