An authorized OneVue system user can electronically acknowledge their review of a system generated report. OneVue stores and displays an electronic record for each report that was reviewed and electronically signed by a system user; which complies with Subpart B, Sec. 11.50 Signature manifestations.
(a) Signed electronic records shall contain information associated with the signing that clearly indicates all of the following:
(1) The printed name of the signer;
(2) The date and time when the signature was executed; and
(3) The meaning (such as review, approval, responsibility, or authorship) associated with the signature.
(b) The items identified in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of this section shall be subject to the same controls as for electronic records and shall be included as part of any human readable form of the electronic record (such as electronic display or printout).

You can easily determine if all active reports have been reviewed.
Go to Reports > Active.
From the list of reports, the Review Status column identifies the review status of each Report Profile.
You can easily determine what reports generated by a Report Profile have not been reviewed.
Go to Reports > Active.
From the History column of the Report Profile, select the View Reports link. All reports generated by the Report Profile are listed.
The Review Status column indicates if a report has been reviewed.
Not Reviewed: Report has not been electronically reviewed; an electronic record of a user review does not exist.
Reviewed: a user has electronically reviewed the report; an electronic record of a system user review does exist. The electronic record, displayed in the view history view of the Report Profile, includes the user that reviewed the report, the date reviewed, and comments entered by the system user.
**Legacy: report was generated before the report review feature was available. The report can be electronically signed, but the report is not included as a not reviewed report for the Report Profile.
Go to Reports > Active.
From the History column, select the View History link for the report.
The status column indicates if a report has been reviewed.
A not reviewed status identifies those reports that have not been electronically reviewed.
From the Status column of the report to be reviewed, select the Not Reviewed status link.
The Report Review - Signed Electronic Record window is displayed.
"I have reviewed the <name of report> dated <date report was generated>, and I certify that all issues have been identified and any necessary corrective actions have been taken."
From the Comments section, enter additional information as required.
To electronically sign and acknowledge the review of the report, select Save.
An electronic record of the system user review is created, which cannot be altered or changed.