OneVue monitors the check-in status received from OneVue Sync Transmitters and Notify InfoBoards and their last check-in. A Transmitter checks-in every 5 minutes by default and an InfoBoard checks-in daily at a system scheduled time. You will know when a device requires attention by its current State and Status.
A summary of the monitoring features is provided below.
Monitored data can be viewed from the Dashboard that displays the state of all devices, a To Do list of active Transmitter alerts, new reports, and system notifications. Operating and event history is viewed from the profile of a Transmitter and InfoBoard.
Due to the importance of transmitting critical notification events to InfoBoards, OneVue generates an alert when a Transmitter is in Alarm state. An Alarm state indicates a Transmitter requires attention to resolve the alerting condition.
An alert that has not been acknowledge by a user is listed on the Dashboard To Do list. To acknowledge an alert, select the To Do list alert link.
For an alert to be generated, a Transmitter must be assigned to an Alert Rule.
Alert is activated when a Transmitter has not checked-in to OneVue within the time period set in its Unresponsive Timeout setting. This condition is due to the device could not connect to its assigned network and failed to check-in to OneVue.
Time Sync Failure
Alert is activated when a Transmitter reported at its last check-in that it failed to receive time from its time source. The Transmitter may not have the correct time (drift), which will impact the accuracy of secondary synchronized time devices and scheduled events.
Alert is activated when a Transmitter reported a hardware error status.
Critical Error
Alert is activated when the Transmitter has never received time from its time source either during first-time configuration or after a power failure. During this condition the Transmitter does not transmit (broadcast) time to devices and only will only transmit critical notification events. It's important to resolve this error immediately.
Transmitters send their current operating status and events to OneVue during each check-in. All data is stored in OneVue and can be viewed and downloaded at anytime.
All history is available from a Transmitter's profile, go to Devices > Transmitters > select its Name link.
From the profile of a Transmitter, the below history details are available.
State History
Details all state change events, including the change event date/time.
Critical Notification Event History (show advanced options)
Details all critical notification events received and broadcasted by the Transmitter, including event start and end date/time, duration of event, and details of the notification.
Accuracy Log (show advanced options)
The Accuracy Log details the accuracy of the NTP time received during each check-in. The accuracy value takes into account the internal time accuracy of the NTP Server, as well as any network delays. This information can also be used to review the check-in history of a device.
InfoBoards send their current operating status and events daily to OneVue. All data is stored in OneVue, which can be viewed and downloaded at anytime. Requires OneVue Notify Monitor subscription and InfoBoard connection to Ethernet network.
All history is available from an InfoBoard's profile, go to Devices > InfoBoards > select its Name link.
From the profile of an InfoBoard, the below history details are available.
State History
Details all state change events, including the change event date/time.
Accuracy Log (show advanced options)
Only generated when an InfoBoard's time source is set to Use NTP for Time.
The Accuracy Log details the accuracy of the NTP time received during each check-in. The accuracy value takes into account the internal time accuracy of the NTP Server, as well as any network delays. This information can also be used to review the check-in history of a device.
Critical Notification Events History (show advanced options)
Details all critical notification events received by the InfoBoard, including event start and end date/time, duration of event, and details of the notification.
Digital Event History (show advanced options)
Details all code blue and elapsed timer events.
Reports provide another method to monitor your devices.
At anytime you can view and download reports or generate a new report for any active Report Profile. Report Profiles generate the reports available to you and are managed by a user assigned to an Admin role.
To view reports, go to Reports > Active.
The Reports > Archived menu provides report history for Report Profiles that have been archived (no longer generate reports).