Report provides an audit log of user login activity and configuration changes for the OneVue Sense solution. The report also includes sensor return material authorization (RMA) details that occurred during the report date range. This report is designed to meet the auditing, compliance, security, and governance policies of many regulated enterprises.
Only a user assigned to both the Account Admin role and Sensors Device Class can view this report.
The following details the setting changes and activity included in the report.
User activity audit detail
Monitored Asset setting changes
State, Business Unit, Location
Sensor setting changes
Monitored Asset, Normal Condition (range), Alarm Delay, State
Gateway (sensor) setting changes
Network, Keep Firmware At, Keep Radio Firmware At, Unresponsive Timeout, Check-in Interval, Logging Interval
User setting changes
When a user generated a new report or viewed a report
User Login and Locked Users detail
User Login History
Details the last log in by each user.
Locked Users
List of users that have their log in access suspended. Their User Profile has been set to locked by an account admin.
Configuration Information detail
Provides details of any setting change. The audit details include what was changed, what the setting was changed to, the system user that made the change, and the date and time the change was made.
Entity Type: what type of system component was changed.
Entity: the unique identifier of the system component; commonly its name or a device's unique 12-character device ID (MAC address) or the last four digits of its ID (sensor).
Changed Value: name of the setting changed.
New Value: what the setting was changed to.
Comment/Reason: if a state change was made by a user, details the comments added by the user.
User: who made the configuration change.
Date/Time: when the configuration change was made.