Report provides details of Monitored Asset and Sensor setting changes and user log in activity specific to a Business Unit. This report is helpful when you need to know when and who made a setting change.
This report is restricted to users assigned to the Account Admin or Business Unit Admin role. In addition, a user must be assigned to the Sensors Device Class.
The following provides details of what's included in the report and an example of the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile set what optional fields (data) are included in the report. If the report does not include what's needed, be sure to review the options selected.
Business Unit Information Name
Name of your OneVue account and the Business Unit included in the report.
The report is limited to one Business Unit. If the Business Unit is a parent to other Business Units, all of its child Business Units are also included in the report.
User Login Information
Details the last login by each user; only includes users assigned to a Role in the Business Unit included in the report.
Locked Users
List of users that have their log in access suspended. Their User Profile has been set to locked by an account admin.
Configuration Information
Provides details of setting changes made to a Monitored Asset, Sensor, or Sensor Gateway. The information provides what was changed, what the setting was changed to, the user that made the change, and the date and time the change was made.
Entity Type: type of system component changed.
Entity: the unique identifier of the system component; will be either the Monitored Asset name or type of sensor with its last four digits of its 12-character Gateway ID (MAC address).
Changed Value: the setting changed.
New Value: what the setting was changed to.
Comment/Reason: if a state change was made by a user, details the comments added by the user.
User: who made the configuration change.
Date/Time: when the configuration change was made.