Report provides the Monitored Assets that were in a Warning or Alarm state during the report date range. The report data for each Monitored Asset includes its reading history and state change events. The state change events include alert acknowledgments, state change comments, and corrective actions logged from alert resolutions.
The following provides details of what's included in the report and an example of the report. The Fields to Include options selected in the report profile set what optional fields (data) are included in the report. If the report does not include what's needed, be sure to review the options selected.
Report heading detail
Heading: displays the name of the Report Profile and the report date range.
Date range: time period of data included in the report.
Signature: when the report is manually generated (run now) by a user, the name of the user is displayed. If the report was automatically generated by the schedule set in the Report Profile no information is displayed and the signature line can be used for written signature purposes.
Run date: date and time the report was created.
Monitored Asset and sensor detail
Report is sectioned by each Monitored Asset included in the report. Within each Monitored Asset section, a Daily Readings Summary and State History is provided for each of its assigned sensors.
Sensor Information: details the name of the sensor and its settings.
Daily Readings Summary detail
Provides a reading summary for each day.
AM Time / AM Reading
First reading logged after 12:00 AM of the day.
PM Time / PM Reading
Last reading logged before 12:00 p.m. of the day.
Calculated value of the sum of all logged readings divided by the total sample points (logged readings).
Lowest logged reading of the day.
Highest logged reading of the day.
No. Readings
Total count of logged readings for the day.
State History detail
Specifies the date and time of each state-change event and event details.
Change Date/Time
Date and time the state-change event occurred.
State the Monitored Asset changed to during the change event.
Event History
Log of all state-change events made either by a system state change or manual stage change made be a user, and the event comments added by a user. Comments are entered by a user from a Monitored Asset's State History.
Asset Acknowledgement detail
Provides the details of when an alert(s) was acknowledged and the comments provided by system users.
When the alert was acknowledged by a user.
Information provided by a system user when acknowledging the alert.
Who acknowledged the alert.