Your staff that is responsible for either monitoring or managing your Primex devices or monitored conditions require a OneVue user account. To add a user, you must be assigned to the Account Admin or Business Unit Admin role.
Once a user is added and they activate their user account, they will have permission to log in to OneVue. The features and information they have access to is dependent on their assigned Role by Business Unit and Device Class.
Go to Admin > Users.
Select + New. A new user profile is displayed.
Enter the user's settings and assign a Role to the user.
Select Save.
The user receives a system-generated email providing the instructions to activate their OneVue user account. During activation, they establish their password and accept the OneVue terms and conditions.
Next, assign the user a Device Class, which is commonly based on the OneVue solution(s) deployed at your facility.
To view the user's profile, go to Admin > Users > from the list, select the user's email link.